Online Reviews
Reviewing is a major part of what Foundation does, both fiction and non-fiction, books and other media. Unfortunately, we can't always include all the reviews we commission in the journal itself. We are, however, deeply indebted to our reviewers and we have decided to create a permanent, online archive of reviews not featured in the journal.
Ardith Bravenec - Dominic Grace, The Science Fiction of Phyllis Gotlieb
Jeremy Brett - Emily Devenport, Medusa Uploaded and Nicky Drayden, Temper
Ian Campbell - Michael Marshall Smith, Hannah Green and Her Unfeasibly Mundane Existence
Jeremy M. Carnes - Claire G. Coleman, Terra Nullius
Molly Cobb - James Morrow, Reality by Other Means
Rachel Cordasco - Cixin Liu, Ball Lightning
Virginia L. Conn - Michael Starr, Wells Meets Deleuze
David Dalton - Mabel Morana, The Monster as War Machine
Jason W. Ellis - Henry Wessells, A Conversation Larger than the Universe [exhibition]
Carrie Lynn Evans - Elizabeth M. Sanders, Genres of Doubt
Amandine Faucheux - Robert Dickinson, The Tourist
Fabio Fernandes - Lars Schmeink, Biopunk Dystopias: Genetic Engineering, Society and Science Fiction
Jon Garrad - Francesca Saggini and Anna Enrichetta Soccio, eds. Transmedia Creatures
Maia Gil'Adi - Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Prime Meridian
Samuel Ginsburg - Yoss, Condomnauts
Joan Gordon - Jeffrey Ford, Ahab's Return, or The Last Voyage
James Hamby - Anna Kerchy, Alice in Transmedia Wonderland
Hallvard Haug - Suzanne Livingston and Maholo Uchida, AI: More Than Human [exhibition]
Graham Head - Stephen Baxter, The Massacre of Mankind
Rachel Hill - Maria Dahvana Headley, The Mere Wife
Ciaran Kavanagh - Marika Ohara, Hybrid Child
Zack Kruse - Barry Keith Grant, Monster Cinema
Anna Kurowicka - J.P. Telotte, Robot Ecology and the Science Fiction Film
Brian Matzke - Mark A. McCutcheon, The Medium is the Monster
Mihaela Mihailova - Christopher Holliday and Alexander Sergeant, eds. Fantasy/Animation
Gavin Miller - Damien Broderick, Psience Fiction: The Paranormal in Science Fiction Literature
T.S. Miller - Mark C. Jerng, Racial Worldmaking: The Power of Popular Fiction
Joseph S. Norman - Neal Asher, The Warship
Amanda Pavani - Scott Westerfeld, Impostors
Edward Powell - Mike Ashley, ed. Moonrise and Lost Mars
Valentina Salvatierra - Silvia G. Kurlat Ares, La ilusion persistente
Shraddha Adityavir Singh - Alexis Pauline Gumbs, M Archive
Sue Smith - Bronwen Calvert, Being Bionic and Steffen Hantke, Monsters in the Machine
Justin Wigard - Jose P Zagal and Sebastian Deterding, eds. Role-Playing Game Studies
Brian Willems - Zsolt Cziganyik, ed. Utopian Horizons: Ideology, Politics, Literature