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Please address your question to the appropriate member of the SFF Committee or the journal's editorial team. If you are seeking permission to obtain or reprint an article, please contact the journal editor. If you are seeking to obtain back copies of the journal, please contact either the Memberships Officer or the SFF Curator.


SFF Committee

Graham Sleight is the Chair of the SF Foundation. His publications include The Unsilent Library: Essays on the Russell T. Davies Era of the New Doctor Who (2011), co-edited with Simon Bradshaw and Antony Keen, and The Doctor’s Monsters: Meanings of the Monstrous in Doctor Who (2012). Graham has written several introductions for Gollancz's SF Masterworks series. He edited Foundation between 2007 and 2013, and is Managing Editor of The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Email: grahamsleight [at] gmail [dot] com 


Sarah Brown is Secretary of the SF Foundation. She is Professor of English Literature at Anglia Ruskin University where she is also Co-Director of the Centre for Science Fiction and Fantasy. Her latest book is Shakespeare and Science Fiction (Liverpool University Press, 2021). Email: Sarah [dot] Brown [at] anglia [dot] ac [dot] uk


Paul Dormer is the Acting Treasurer of the SF Foundation. He has assisted in the organisation of several Worldcons, including as a Hugo Awards administrator. Email: sffpayments [at] pauldormer [dot] cix [dot] co [dot] uk


Roger Robinson is the Membership Officer of the SF Foundation. He manages both the subscriptions to the SFF and the distribution of Foundation. Another long-time participant in British fandom, he also runs the small-press imprint Beccon Books. Enquiries about membership can be sent to sff [at] beccon [dot] org


Tom Dillon is the SF Curator at Liverpool University. A graduate of Birkbeck College, London, he oversees the SFF Collection as well as other sf-related archives at Liverpool, including the John Wyndham Collection. Enquiries about donations, back copies of the journal, and access to the archives can be sent to T [dot] Dillon [at] liverpool [dot] ac [dot] uk


Dave Clements is the Education Officer of the SF Foundation. He is Senior Lecturer in Astrophysics at Imperial College, London, which also hosts the annual Science for Fiction workshops. Enquiries can be sent to d [dot] clements [at] imperial [dot] ac [dot] uk


Antony Keen organises the annual SFF Masterclass in science fiction criticism. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame, London. He also co-edits a website on comic books as well as contributing reviews to another (Slings & Arrows). Email: agk044 [at] gmail [dot] com 


Lucy Nield is the SFF's Social Media Officer. A former organiser of the CRSF conferences at Liverpool, she is happy to take all social media enquiries on behalf of the SFF. Email: lucy [dot] nield [at] gmail [dot] com


Journal Editors

Paul March-Russell is the current Editor of Foundation. He was formerly Senior Lecturer in English at Cardiff Metropolitan University, and has recently co-edited a collection of essays on Arthur C. Clarke (Gylphi, 2022). Submissions and other enquiries can be sent to paulmarchrussell [at] gmail [dot] com 


Jonathan Thornton is the Book Reviews Editor of Foundation. He is a PhD student at the University of Liverpool and co-organiser of the annual CRSF conference. He also reviews for and the Fantasy Hive. Emails regarding book reviews should be sent to hsjthor4 [at] liverpool [dot] ac [dot] uk


Cait Coker is the Media Reviews Editor of Foundation. She is an associate professor and curator of rare books and manuscripts at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Emails regarding media reviews should be sent to cait [dot] coker [at] gmail [dot] com


The journal's editorial consultants are Sarah Brown, Anna McFarlane, Heather Osborne, Chris Pak and Will Slocombe.


The Trustees of the Science Fiction Foundation are Phoenix Alexander, Sarah Brown, John Clute, Paul Dormer, Edward James, Una McCormack, Charul Palmer-Patel, Andy Sawyer, Graham Sleight, Will Slocombe and Shana Worthen.


Our Patrons include Nalo Hopkinson and Prof David Southwood.


Our registered address is 28 St John’s Road, Guildford, GU2 7UH. Registered Charity No. 1041052.

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