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Science for Fiction


Science for Fiction (S4F) is an annual workshop for writers who want to meet and hear more about the latest work in science from the scientists who are actually doing the work.


Based at Imperial College, London and usually taking place in the first week of July, S4F is a day and a half meeting. The format usually consists of talks by scientists about their work, followed by ample time for questions and more informal discussions over tea and coffee (and in the bar afterwards). Subjects covered have included Titan and the Cassini Mission, Time in Theoretical Physics, Extremophiles, Fungi and Zombie Plants, Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Exploring the Surface of Mars. We also try to arrange a lab visit or practical demonstration related to one of the talks - in 2017 we were taken on a VR tour of the surface of Mars.


The event is open to published authors, and past attendees have included Charles Stross, Pat Cadigan, Paul MacAuley, Alastair Reynolds, Pippa Goldschmidt and Jaine Fenn.


Application is via email to and the cost is usually £30, covering tea, coffee, and lunch. Overnight accommodation, if needed, is available at Imperial College.

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