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Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction

Foundation is the essential critical review of science fiction, and is published three times a year (Spring, Summer and Winter) by the Science Fiction Foundation. ISSN: 0306-4964. It is peer-reviewed, and strict anonymity is accorded to both authors and reviewers alike. The journal is indexed in IBZ Online (De Gruyter) and the MLA Database.


  • Editor: Paul March-Russell

  • Book Reviews Editor: Jonathan Thornton

  • Media Reviews Editor: Cait Coker

  • Editorial Consultants: Sarah Brown, Anna McFarlane, Heather Osborne, Chris Pak, Will Slocombe


The views expressed in the journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily coincide with those of the Editors or Editorial Team.


Submissions to Foundation must meet the requirements of the style guide. Articles up to 8000 words and double-spaced should be submitted to the Editor; reviews approx. 1500 words and double-spaced should be submitted to either the Book Reviews or Media Reviews Editor (see Contacts). Books for review, clearly marked 'For Review', should be submitted to the following address:


Jonathan Thornton, 5 Cyril Grove, Liverpool, L17 0AR


Single issues and back issues (starting with issue 21, February 1981) of Foundation can be purchased. For further details, please contact our Membership Secretary, Roger Robinson, at




When an author agrees to publish in Foundation, they are granting the SFF an exclusive worldwide licence over the article for three years. This means that for three years from publication, only the SFF will have the right to publish the article or authorise its republication or archiving online. In particular, the SFF has exclusive contracts with EBSCO and ProQuest for online publication during this initial period of three years. If an author wishes to have the article republished elsewhere in this time, they must seek the SFF’s permission, which we will not unreasonably refuse. All other requests to republish an article will first be referred to the author or their literary Estate, and as long as they consent, the SFF's permission will not be unreasonably refused.


An author may upload an Author Approved copy of their article to a university depository, but the final published version will be under embargo for two years after publication. Thereafter, the PDF may be uploaded and made available through the depository. An author may also list their publication as part of an ALCS account - all fees will be paid to the author via ALCS.


You also grant us a permanent licence to allow archiving online of the journal containing your article on the FANAC website once the initial three-year period is up. This licence is not exclusive and so, after three years, you are free to republish your article elsewhere, but FANAC’s right to host it will be permanent. This does not affect readers who wish to purchase back copies of the journal three years or more after the original publication.

Three years after publication, the author is free to reprint their work, to modify it, to share it with others, and to use it for commercial purposes. Others who may wish to share an article three years or more after its publication may only do so with the author’s permission. They are not permitted to modify the work or to use it for any commercial purpose without the author’s consent.











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